Health Data Forum Global Hybrid Summit 2021
Looking beyond the horizon: will the next-generation healthcare systems be data-driven?
28-29 October 2021
Opening Keynotes
Lord Nigel Crisp is an independent crossbench member of the House of Lords. In addition to that, he chairs the Kings Partners Global Health Advisory Board and the Zambia UK Health Workforce Alliance. He is also an Honorary Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Furthermore, between 2000 and 2006, he was the Chief Executive of NHS England and Permanent Secretary of the UK Department of Health.
Health is made at home, Hospitals are for Repairs
We are pleased to announce that Lord Nigel Crisp will be opening our Summit this year, live from Oporto and broadcasted globally, with a provocative theme which is also the title of his latest book.
Along with other renowned guest speakers, we will bring the world together in the co-creation of a global agenda that reinforces health data use and literacy for smarter health-creating strategies, under the vision that health is made at home, hospitals are for repairs.

This years’ edition of our Global Summit will be offering five plenary sessions and three interactive sessions where all participants will have the chance to present and share their work on the field with other participants and learn from each other: more.
Luis Goes Pinheiro is the President of SPMS the Shared Services of the Portuguese Ministry of Healthcare. He was formerly a member of the Portuguese Government as Deputy Secretary of State for Administrative Modernization, being responsible for the Simplex Program and the Agency for Administrative Modernization, I.P.; Deputy General Secretary for Internal Administration, responsible for electoral administration and several other senior roles connected to modernization and digital transformation.
Dr Samira Asma leads WHO’s efforts in using data to ensure measurable progress is made towards WHO’s Triple Billion targets and the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dr Asma has more than 25 years of experience building teams and partnerships that lead public health programmes and policies to catalyze long-term impact.
Prof. Rajendra Pratap Gupta (Rajendra) is a public policy expert who has been contributing to policy making for over a decade.
He has worked with global organizations like the United Nations, UNESCO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, United States of America, Govt. of Japan, Algeria, Finland & Bangladesh, and also by the Government of India.
Rajendra was nominated to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum for 2012-2014 in recognition of his work.
Andreia Rosa Collard is the Director of Information Technology for the Regional Government of Madeira, Portugal, is licensed in law with specialization in International Law and Intellectual Property, post graduating in Compliance and European and Economic Criminal Law by the University of Coimbra is certified in International Trade in Arms Regulations and is a registered Privacy Professional by the International Association of Privacy Professionals. The Vice-Presidency and Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Regional Government, is responsible for the regional Digital Transition, working with the various public entities including Health, Education and Tourism in the use of new technologies for the public system.
Ian McNicoll, MD, MSc Chief Clinical Information Officer at Inidus, past co-chair, and director of openEHR International a not for profit foundation that is focused on delivering a set of freely available open standards, tooling and specifications to support an ‘open platform’ approach to eHealth, for use by healthcare system implementers and national healthcare standards organisations.
Miguel Coelho is the Healthcare Business Development Director (EMEA & LatAm) at Oracle Health Sciences Global Business Unit. A Software and Computer Engineer by training, Miguel has an impressive career in digital health with over 25 years of consulting, product management, and sales experience with enterprise applications and platforms in companies such as Oracle, SAP and Fujitsu, and in the last 16 years has focused exclusively on Healthcare IT, with a concentration on topics such as healthcare interoperability, health information exchanges and healthcare analytics.
Victor Herdeiro is the President of the Central Administration of the Health System (ACSS) in Portugal. Graduated in Law, with a specialization in Hospital Administration, he was previously the Vice President of the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation – AICIB, Chair of Board of Directors of the Local Health Unit of Matosinhos, having also been a member of the Executive Nucleus of the National Commission for the Development of Outpatient Surgery.
António Pereira (Tom Zé) has been in charge of HCFMUSP, the largest hospital complex in Latin America, as superintendent since 2014. He was Engineering Director at Hospital A.C. Camargo, General Manager of Engineering at Pepsico do Brasil and Brazil Director at Philips do Brasil. He has an International Executive MBA from USP and an MBA in Project Management. He completed Hospital Administration at FGV, where he is pursuing his doctorate.
Dr Jaime Quesado is an Economist and MBA, specialized in Innovation, Digital Transformation, with past executive functions in the ADI – Portuguese Agency for Innovation and POSC – Portuguese Operational Programme for Knowledge Society). Regular writer in the Portuguese and International Press and Speaker in Portuguese and International Conferences.
Suzanne Gaunt is the President and CEO at International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM).
Silvia Piai is Research Director for IDC Health Insights in Europe. In her role she provides strategic advice to end users and vendors operating in Healthcare and Life Sciences. In particular, she helps Healthcare and Life Sciences organizations understanding how technologies are disrupting and transforming traditional business models, accelerating the transition toward the value-based paradigm.
Ceu Mateus is Professor of Health Economics at Lancaster University. She holds a PhD in Public Health-Health Economics and a MSc in European Social Policy Analysis. She has over 25 years of experience in research and has developed her expertise around economic evaluation of health technologies and interventions, efficiency measurement, equity and quality of life. She has been involved in several scientific associations such as PCSI, EuHEA and the Portuguese Chapter of ISPOR. She is the current President of the Portuguese Health Economics Association.
Rafael Grossmann, MD, FACS is an Internationally recognized surgeon and disruptive innovator, with focus and passion for the convergence of healthcare and technology. Convinced that the smart use of technology can enable a more humanized healthcare systems he has.performed the first-ever documented GoogleGlass-enabled surgery on June 20, 2013. Transformation influencer & KOL Rafael attended multiple TEDx as speaker on the convergence of healthcare, education & global health innovation.
Jonas Sertorio is an innovation consultant at the Ministry of Health in Brazil and an Innovation Specialist at the MIT Technology Review Brasil.
Jane Mounteney, PhD is the Head of Public Health in the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) responsible for drug epidemiology, policy and practice. She has also an interest in methodologies for earlier warning and identification of new drug trends and for establishing a number of European and city level systems and projects in this field.
Prof. Adalberto Campos Fernandes, MD is a politician who served as Minister of Health graduated with a PhD in health administration from the University of Lisbon and is a professor at the ENSP, New University of Lisbon. Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon. Specialist in Public Health, President of the General Assembly of the Evidence-Based Health Institute, He was President of the Board of Directors of the Lisbon Hospital Center Norte, EPE, Hospital de Santa Maria and Hospital Pulido Valente, was Chairman of the Executive Committee of SAMS Integrated Provision of Health Care, held the functions of Chairman of the Board of Directors of HPP Partnerships Saúde, SA Hospital de Cascais. Integrates the Economic and Social Council. Member of the Advisory Board of SEDES – Association for Economic and Social Development. Member of the National Academy of Medicine of Portugal.
Pedro Pinto Leite MD is the Director of Information and Analysis in the portuguese Directorate-General of Healthcare. Previously he was the Head of Division of Epidemiology and Statistics and a member of WHO Collaborating Centre in Health Workforce Policy and Plannin
Lionel Reichardt is a Manager, story teller, trainer, strategist, speaker, influencer, health & digital expert, blogger, consultant, data driven, customer oriented .. in one word : PHARMAGEEK
Maria Manuel Leitão has been serving as Member of the European Parliament since 2019. She previously served as Minister of the Premiership and of Administrative Modernisation since 26 November 2015 and was the Secretary of State for the Administrative Modernization in previous governments.
Dmitry Etin is a seasoned global Healthcare IT professional with decades of experience working with enterprise applications for data management, artificial intelligence, interoperability
Currently at Oracle Dmitry is the global SME in genomics data management and healthcare interoperability, and as a solution architect responsible for EMEA & LatAm markets.
Dr Vik Bakhur Physician, senior health care executive, and serial entrepreneur is currently serving as Chief Medical Officer & Head of Mosaic (Partnerships and Strategy) for Circulo Health, the Medicaid insurance company of the future providing tech-enabled, world-class care to the nation’s most underserved.
George T Mathew MD, MBA, FACP Americas Chief Medical Officer for the Healthcare & Life Sciences organization in the Americas at Dedalus and Assistant Professor at the Westchester Medical Center, a member of WMCHealth. George wants to use medical and business knowledge to help transform healthcare delivery in the United States and abroad to allow widespread access to care.
Artur Olesch is a Berlin-based freelance journalist and correspondent for digital health-related topics. He is the founder of and editor-in-chief of ICT&Health International and OSOZ News. An author of 500+ articles and health-IT reports. Content writer, speaker, conference moderator, an influential voice on social media, digital health advocate. He mentors med-tech startups and guides healthcare organizations aiming to develop digital strategies.
Renata Rothbarth is a lawyer specialised in Digital Health and Life Sciences initiatives, including telemedicine, big data & analytics, AI, virtual trials, genetics, precision medicine, wearable tech and bioprinting, software as a medical device (SaMD), electronic health records (EHR), Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), medical discount and patient programs, health data privacy and payment models. Recognized as Rising Star for the Life Sciences industry by The Legal 500.
John Meredith, is Assistant Chief Architect at Digital Health and Care Wales Health Informatics. He has 15 years’ experience working in the NHS. For the last 5 years in NHS Wales he leads clinical data modelling and interoperability use cases with openEHR and HL7 FHIR.
John is currently undertaking PhD research with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Dr Kostas Repanas is a policy officer at the Open Science Unit, in the DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission. Dr Kostas is mainly involved in the FAIR data and
interoperability aspects of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), as well as in advancing the Open Science agenda of the Commission. He holds a PhD in Biochemistry and
Crystallography from the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) in Amsterdam and the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
José Gontijo is the Director of Science, Technology and Digital Innovation at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil.
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Science is responsible for the national politics of scientific, technology and innovation research, supervision and control of science and technology activities, automation and IT development policy among other areas.
Dr Stephen MacFeely is the Director of Data and Analytics at the World Health Organization. He is also Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Policy Studies at University College Cork in Ireland and the Director of the IASE International Statistical Literacy Program.
co-chair of the Committee of the Chief Statisticians of the UN System (CCS-UN), chairs and is member of advisory boards in scientific journals and the UNDP Human Development Index. He is an elected member of the
International Statistics Institute.
Carlos Jaime is General Manager at ASCOM France & Iberia. He is involved since 1993 in the world of healthcare by participating in the development of various organizations such as Intersystem, Samsung Healthcare, Philips, Dräger, among others. Since 2013 Carlos has invested in the development of digital healthcare usages and engaged in the cluster Medicen Paris Région since 2015.
Maria do Carmo Tavares is the Chief Financial Officer at UNILABS Portugal and also represents the Group at ANL – National Association of Clinical Laboratories, as board member. Her professional career began at Deloitte, where she acquired a solid specialization in the auditing area with a focus on large industrial and service companies. Graduate in Business Administration and Management from the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of UCP (Portuguese Catholic University).
29 October
Opening keynote
Rui Santos Ivo is the President of the Executive Board of INFARMED – National Authority of Medicines and Health Products, I.P. member of the Management Board of the EMA, member of the Executive Board of EUnetHTA- the European Network for Health Technology Assessment, Vice-chair of the Valletta Permanent Technical Committee/Valletta Declaration, and co-chair of BEMA – Benchmarking of European Medicines Agencies Steering Group among other EU and international health policy committees.
Licínio Kustra Mano is the Strategic Advisor for EU Cross-Border eHealth Services at European Commission with expertise in EU policies for eHealth systems and services. Cross-border eHealth systems and services. eHealth Interoperability (semantic and technical) and eHealth ICT design, development and deployment.
Sergio Pillon is a Medical Doctor, researcher, involved in Telemedicine since the late 1980s, initially with the CNR-IMS (institute of experimental medicine), coordinating Telemedicine in Antarctic (PNRA) and Everest (EV K2 CNR) projects. Currently Medical Director and Vice President of the International Medical Radio Center (CIRM), one of the largest and oldest telemedicine institutions in the world, a member of the Digital Health working group of the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and CMO of Digital Transformation at ASL Frosinone, Lazio region, Italy.
Dr Peter Arlett MD is currently Head of Data Analytics and Methods Task Force at European Medicines Agency. Dr Arlett experience in delivering programmes of major change, in leadership of health and product innovation, in regulation and legislation has been gained through previous job functions in management of organisations at national, European and international level, such as former Head of Pharmacovigilance and Epidemiology and Head of Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management in the EMA.
Dr Stefan Buttigieg is a renowned lecturer, author and public speaker on Public Health Medicine, Clinical Informatics, Social Media and Digital Health and the Vice-President of the EUPHA Section on Digital Health.
Jeannine Pilloud is the CEO of ASCOM and President of the Strategic Board Public Transport in Switzerland. Dr Pilloud holds a Master in Architecture from ETH Zurich and had several previous board mandates in Germany and abroad. Her work experience includes T-Systems, Swiss Railways (SBB AG) and IBM.
Dr Petra Wilson is Managing Director at Health Connect Partners and the EU Programme Director at HIMSS. She is a proven leader in healthcare with experience ranging across the corporate sector, civil service, not-for-profit sector, and academia. Over twenty years work experience in healthcare policy and advocacy, with key expertise in data protection and information governance in healthcare – including GDPR compliance.
Marja Pirttivaara is a Finnish doctor of physics and MBA (social and health management), a leading expert at SITRA, the Finnish Innovation Fund and an expert and non-fiction writer on genetic genealogy.
Aleks Jakulin has been among the initiators of, a volunteer science community striving for Covid-19
data excellence. He’s currently serving as the CEO of 1o Inc. Before that he taught data mining at Columbia University in the City of New York. He won the best dissertation award by EurAI, the European AI association. Already as a teenager, he co-authored PNG and JPEG-LS standards, now used by billions.
João Bocas is the CEO at Digital Salutem. With +15+ years healthcare industry experience Joao specializes in healthcare wearables technology among other leading innovative digital health trends.
Duarte Reis is the Customer Experience Director at UNILABS Portugal with a strong retail background and expertise in strategy, business development, project management and customer loyalty. Previously in Sonae MC and Deloitte is also a guest lecturer in Porto Business School..
Summit Facilitation Team
The Health Data Forum is designed as a place to interact and meet other like-minded people concerned with health data in its multiple perspectives and offers change-driven dialogue spaces led by a strong facilitation team.
This is the right time to step forward and propose your contribution in one of the several interactive sessions (Knowledge Café, Peer Conference, Dialogue Café) where all participants will have the chance to present and share their work on this burgeoning field and learning from each other. Contact us if you have something relevant to share next 28-29 October.

Conference Schedule
All summit participants will have the chance to present and share their work on the field with other participants and learning from each other in three interactive sessions. Guest plenary speakers will be contributing in the following streams
- Blue stream – Providing Health & Healthcare
- Green stream – Healthcare Research & Innovation
- Orange Stream – Healthcare Payers & Governments
Day 1 – Thursday
28 October
Health Innovation Village official inauguration and Digital Health Portugal round tables.
Day 2 Opening Plenary in the Auditorium and with Live broadcast in the Health Data Forum social channels (LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook). Check your local time here

Welcome & Opening Plenary in the Auditorium and with Live broadcast in the Health Data Forum social channels (LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook). Check your local time here
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM PDT | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT
16:00 – 17:30 WEST/BST | 17:00 – 18:30 CEST

Become a Futurist for a session!
In this session, Futurist and Executive Advisor Dr Jacqueline Conway will lead a workshop to help you consider the trends, disruptors and grey swans that may impact Health Data in the future. We’ll explore the ways we can use Strategic Foresight to better anticipate the challenges and opportunities we’re face with. Check your local time here

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
18:00 – 19:00 WEST/BST | 19:00 – 20:00 CEST

Day 1 Conclusions Plenary wrap up and close the day in the Auditorium and with Live broadcast in the Health Data Forum social channels (LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook).Check your local time here

Day 2 – Friday
29 October
Green stream – Healthcare Research & Innovation
9:00 – 10:00 WEST/BST | 10:00 – 11:00 CEST
16:00 – 17:00 CST

Day 2 Opening Plenary in the Auditorium and with Live broadcast in the Health Data Forum social channels (LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook). Check your local time here
10:00 – 12:00 WEST/BST | 11:00 – 13:00 CEST
17:00 – 19:00 CST

Hybrid Peer Conference parallel sessions in the breakout rooms and with participants joining from Europe Middle East, Africa and Asia via Zoom videoconference (all streams). Check your local time here
Proposed sessions, so far:
Artificial Stupidity – is it time yet to rethink AI in healthcare? Led by Gregor Cuzak. Healthcare consultant at Trokot and founder of with Aleks Jakulin Founder at 1o Inc. and Miguel Coelho Healthcare Business Development Director (EMEA & LatAm) at Oracle Healthcare.
Wearables and Health Data: A Virtuous Combination
Led by: João Bocas, CEO at Digital Salutem with Duarte Reis Customer Experience Director Unilabs Portugal.
Hospitals will be for Repairs
Led by Silvia Piai, Research Director for IDC Health and Dr Stefan Buttigieg Vice-President of the EUPHA Section on Digital Health with Dmitry Etin, Global Healthcare & Life Sciences IT Expert at Oracle Healthcare and Ana Catarina Gomes, CEO & Founder of CBR Genomics.
CDSS: Moving from Reactive to Proactive Care
Led by: Lionel Reichardt, CEO 7Cs Health and Carlos Jaime, General Manager ASCOM France & Iberia
12:30 – 14:30 WEST/BST | 13:30 – 15:30 CEST
17:00 – 19:00 IST

Lunch Time Talk with Carlos alberto Silva, CEO of Hospital Centre Tâmega and Sousa and other guest interventions.

Orange Stream – Healthcare Payers & Governments
11:00 – 12:00 RJ/SP | 15:00 -16:00 WEST/BST
16:00 – 17:00 CEST | 19:30 – 20:30 IST

Across the World Plenary in the Auditorium and with Live broadcast in the Health Data Forum social channels (LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook) featuring guest speakers from 4 continents: Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. Check your local time here
12:00 – 13:00 RJ/SP | 16:00 – 17:00 WEST/BST
17:00 – 18:00 CEST | 20:30 – 21:30 IST

Hybrid Dialogue Café in the breakout rooms and with participants joining from Europe Middle East, Africa and South America via Zoom videoconference (Orange stream). Check your local time here
13:30 – 14:30 RJ/SP | 17:30 – 18:30 WEST/BST
18:30 – 19:30 CEST

Conclusions Plenary wrap up and close the day in the Auditorium and with Live broadcast in the Health Data Forum social channels (LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook) all streams.Check your local time here
This plenary will be a special closing in Portuguese (Portugal & Brazil) and in simultaneous connection with the XII National Meeting of Public Health Resident Doctors with English translation on Zoom.