Can Nano IoT connected self-propelled silver Nano-Bots beused to kill Borrelia Burgdorferi bacteria?
Lyme disease is a global problem with global healthcare costs in the Billions, $1.4 Billion in the US alone.
The Spirochete Borrelia Burgdorferi bacteria causes Lyme disease, and there are scholarly articles associating chronic Lyme with Alzheimer’s, ALS, and MSC, as patients share symptoms and similar cysts of bacteria in their brains; if this is the case? the combined global costs of life and treatment are gargantuan.
The antibacterial property of silver has been known for thousands of years, ancient Greeks used to cook with silver coated pots and ‘born with a silver spoon in his mouth’ referred to more than wealth. For years eating with a silver spoon has been known to be more hygienic.
How does silver kill bacteria?
All bacteria use an enzyme as a form of ‘chemical lung’ in order to metabolize oxygen. silver ions cripple the enzyme and the bacteria suffocates.
According to scholars, silver nanoparticles penetrate bacterial cell walls, causing structural changes to them. It also increases membrane permeability, which leads to bacterial cell death. Silver inhibits biofilm formation which gives bacteria the ability to attach to cellular tissue. Silver nanoparticles enhance drug delivery through the protective biofilm, further reducing the virulence of the infection. Silver has antifungal and antiviral properties as well. Virulent bacteria such as Borrelia Burgdorferi, produce endotoxins that damage joints, tissues, and organs.
How could Silver Nanobots Work?
The problem with Silver Nano Particles is that good bacteria can also be killed, thus why self-propelled connected Silver Nano-bots which can be controlled and directed with a tablet in order to enable a precision-controlled treatment and their removal will prevent collateral damage.
Silver nanoparticles tend to kill all types of fungal infections, bacteria, and viruses, including antibiotic-resistant strains. However, a way to improve efficiency could be a combination of antibiotics and silver nanobots in order to increase success rates in combating drug-resistant bacteria. Research to date has shown that bacteria have been unable to develop an immunity to silver. Work at Nano-Technology Institutes like the world-class facilities at the International Iberian
Nanotechnology Laboratory INL in Braga, Portugal, and others will no doubt achieve success and help patients worldwide.
If these types of projects fail, I trust developments on IoT connected exoskeletons or skin protective smart clothing, will at least stop the nasty wood ticks from causing this horrible disease. At DigitalRoute through our cooperation with academia and laboratories like INL, ensures we remain at the forefront of these and many other breakthrough developments.