Join us next 17-18 November in Porto
Welcome to the Health Data Forum Global Hybrid Summit 17-18 November 2022!
Even though anyone can join our next event remotely for free, we would be delighted if you can make the extra effort to attend in person and meet some of our guest speakers interviewed in the Health Data Global Talks.
Health Data Forum Global Talks are hosted by Jens Declerck from i~HD) and Rafael José Vieira (MEDCIDS, Faculty of Medicine Porto University) and since last September we have interviewed a number of guest speakers to discuss this years theme:
Quality of Health data, a dynamic complexity, a critical factor for catalysing smarter healthcare and efficient research.
Meet Karolina Mackiewicz, Innovation Director at ECHAlliance (European Connected Health Alliance), and guest speaker in our next Global Hybrid Summit on 17-18 November in Porto.
Meet Markus Kalliola, Project Director at SITRA and guest speaker in our next Global Hybrid Summit on 17-18 November in Porto interviewed in episode #3.
The episode #4 of the Health Data Forum Global Talks featured Dipak Karla (President of i~HD) and Alexandre Guedes Silva (President of SPEM) hosted by Paul Nunesdea (Health Data Forum Firestarter)
You can watch above the Global Talk with WHO’s Health Data leadership team Dr Steve MacFeely and Dr Ravi Sathana, including a video statement from Dr Samira Asma.
Next interviews
Join our next Global Talk with Dr. Emmanuel Alexandrakis, Health Economy Global Strategist at WifOR Instituter, next 10 November at 9:00 AM EST or 15:00 CET or 7:00 AM CST.