Let’s gather also virtually to stay safe!

As expected this year of the rat year is playing tricks on us, unfortunately causing a lot of human suffering, anxiety and a huge change in lifestyles that no one could foresee just a few months ago, or could we?
With hindsight yes we could. The available data forecasts already projected a global death toll and this tidal wave of infections is just something that could have been stopped if the world was altogether placed in a full stop quarantine since the first outbreaks emerged out of China. This was probably too politically costly when compared to the current falling of dominos with the exponentially higher number of record cases country by country.
In the war between the virus and humankind what would be the winning strategy?
a) World nations can go on quarantine and increase hospital capacity to cure the symptoms of millions of patients whilst they struggle to find a preventing vaccine?
b) World nations can build intelligence on how to stop the spread with a global Healthcare Data strategy where Big data and Deep Learning will be the ultimate weapons to fight the widespread and expedite the cure?
This is why initiatives like the Health Data Forum are more relevant now than ever and our gathering and subsequent conclusions must prevail.

Of course, we cannot remain indifferent to the extreme severity of the situation, therefore, we decided to open the participation remotely and become a Hybrid Event, suspecting that by 7 and 8 May the travel restrictions could still remain active.
As a certified facilitator, I have accumulated experience in designing meetings that matter and to create memorable experiences for all attending also a Hybrid Event. The Visual Collab 2018 held at the RSA House in London was such a case, where our remote participants felt completely engaged and part of the same circle, thanks to the combined use of different pieces of collaborative technology.
The Health Data Forum next 7 and 8 May will be another great example and a living proof that Virtual doesn’t mean Distant.
Last but not least, the fact that we are now accepting remote participation increases the chance to attract participants from all over the world, such as our last guest speaker from Scotland – Dr Mahmood Adil.
This will be the start of a yearly Global Summit on Healthcare Data, a critical element for the sustainability of national healthcare systems and agile scientific advances to fight this recurring viral threats. And the next one could be much more deadly. We must act now.
The content program and associated discussions will be divided according to the four streams:
Stream A – Tailored therapies and patient adherence
Stream B – More accurate images and diagnostics for personalized care
Stream C – Health data and hospital performance
Stream D – Enabling collaboration within and between different health systems
Check for the latest updates here.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon both in Cascais or virtually online.