A formula for the next generation healthcare systems

An inclusive summit
The summer is almost over and this starts the countdown for the final preparations of our next summit and it is with immense pleasure that I am proud to announce several guest speakers that will be steering meaningful conversations next 28 to 29 October in the capital city of northern Portugal – Porto or Oporto as it was coined by the English merchants back in the XVII century.
We are pleased to announce that Lord Nigel Crisp will be opening our Summit this year, live from Oporto and broadcasted globally, with a provocative theme which is also the title of his latest book: “Health is Made at Home, Hospitals are for Repairs.”
Published by Salus, an editorial company with a long tradition in expanding the horizons of health and bringing together researchers, practitioners and policymakers in global exchanges on how to use the power of design to create a healthier planet and sustain a healthier future for all.
The goal of the Health Data Forum Global Hybrid Summit is not to create a “Davos of Health Data”, although strictly from a marketing standpoint that similarity could be useful.
We hope that this conference is as much inclusive as possible and without any economical barriers for anyone deeply concerned with health data from any perspective, patient, health professional, researcher, and policymaker. All are welcome to join to watch the free live broadcast and take part in the virtual platform as any Summit member.
A timely reflection
It couldn’t be more timely than the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care launched last month a draft policy paper: Data saves lives: reshaping health and social care with data.

We couldn’t have a more precise goal for this summit than the priority of this timely policy effort:
To build understanding on how data is used and the potential for data-driven innovation, improving transparency so the public has control over how we are using their data.
Preliminar event
In the meantime, earlier in June, we hosted a pre-event virtual conference: in the scope of the Conference on the Future of Europe: The Holy Grail: COVID19 Traceability Apps that Work and you can watch the live broadcast recording with +1,4k views here (please subscribe to the channel if you have not done so yet).
I am sure that our Global Hybrid Summit in the Fall will be reaching out to this same specialized audience eager to understand and find out more about how health data can become a game-changer for the future of health and healthcare.

The WHO takes the lead
Thanks to COVID19, health data gained incredible momentum. We witness how a majority of the world’s population regularly watches data dashboards and charts of the number of cases and number of deaths daily broadcasted in the news
This growing awareness of the importance of health data provides an ideal momentum to perceive health data as a ‘Global Public Good’. The WHO took the lead by facilitating a global dialogue to generate consensus and develop multi-sectoral partnerships to establish health data governance principles to be globally adopted.
With this objective in mind, the WHO is hosting the Health Data Governance Summit over two half days on June and 30 September 2021.
Guest speakers from the most representative organizations will identify potential solutions to the challenges of implementing standards, solutions and infrastructure to increase the value of health data as a strategic asset and a global public good.

Extending the conversations
We are very pleased to announce that Dr Samira Asma, Assistant Director-General at the World Health Organization for Data, Analytics and Delivery for Impact will be joining us next 28-29 October to steer relevant conversations further.
Once a framework for governance is consensualized, we must foster an understanding of how to use health data effectively and fulfil all its potential for data-driven innovation within ethical boundaries globally accepted.
This years’ edition of our Global Hybrid Summit will be focusing on future scenarios and looking beyond the horizon:
Will the next-generation healthcare systems be data-driven?
This is a very overarching question that immediately begs the following, how? Establishing the need for generating valuable high-quality data and to protect it from undesirable uses is therefore of utmost importance. So, we might as well start with a preliminary question: Why will the next-generation healthcare systems be data-driven?

Digital Health Truly Transformational
The above is precisely the title of the last book by Prof Rajendra Pratap Gupta, another of our guest speakers, that I had the honour and pleasure to review. This book is one of the most comprehensive treaties on Digital Health and provides many powerful insights on the prospects and future projections.
The book provides a systematic review of impact examples where digital health solutions have demonstrated a real impact on health outcomes and quality improvements.
When inquired about the specific areas where there’s some real momentum, McKinsey specialist Jenny Rost revealed in a recent podcast (1): “We have seen particularly strong evidence in things like remote monitoring for patients after they have heart attacks, with many studies showing that it can prevent hospital readmissions and improve outcomes. Similarly, digital therapeutics and behaviour apps, combined with things like coaching and glucose monitoring, have shown great potential to help diabetes patients manage the condition and improve outcomes. Behavioural health, overall, is one area where we see incredible sustained interest in using digital solutions for positive outcomes in terms of preventing hospital admissions.”
But the potential of health data in support of a new paradigm for health and healthcare is endless,
Along with other renowned guest speakers, we will bring the world together in the co-creation of a global agenda that reinforces health data use and literacy for smarter health-creating strategies, under the vision that health is made at home, hospitals are for repairs.

(1) https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/technology-media-and-telecommunications/our-insights/vital-signs-the-growing-impact-of-digital-health-innovation