Reserve your spot in the next Global Hybrid Summit 17-18 November 2022
we’ll get back to you.
We want to make this event as much inclusive as possible and affordable for everyone seriously concerned with Health Data to be able to join us, regardless of geographic location. Thanks to our digital learning & collaboration partner Howspace, virtual will not mean distant.
Plenary presentations & parallel sessions
The Health Data Forum Global Hybrid Summit will be offering multiple plenary sessions and parallel sessions where all participants will have the chance to interact and share experiences in this burgeoning field, learning from each other.
You can check the preliminary program here.

Join for free remotely
By selecting this option you will be able to remotely attend all plenary and parallel sessions and join our summit virtual space free of charge.
Join us in presence
If you are attending in presence a modest fee is required to cover the costs of event insurances, coffee-breaks and lunch meals (*).
You will have access to the exhibition spaces in the FMUP campus.
Join as a Supporting Member
If you are a startup founder or an independent professional working as a freelance, by selecting this option you will become a SUPPORTING MEMBER.
Supporting members will have an exclusive access to all social activities including our guest speakers’ dinner.
Value of donation EUR 250 (*).
Join as a Corporate Member
If you represent or work in a well-established business corporation by selecting this option you will be taking part in the summit as a CORPORATE MEMBER.
Corporate members will have an exclusive access to all social activities including our guest speakers’ dinner.
Value of donation EUR 750 (*)
Join as a Corporate Member
If you work in a government agency, public administration, University or R&D centre, you may contribute to this summit as a CIVIC MEMBER.
This includes the same exclusive access as a corporate member with a special price for not-for-profit organizations.
Value of donation EUR 500 (*)

(*) Early bird rates available with a discount until 30 September, visit our Eventbrite page for more information. As a registered member, you will be listed in the participant’s database and your details will be available to all other members in the Health Data Forum.
Sponsorship opportunities
Combining our strengths to expand the mutual reach
We are looking for sponsors and benefactors interested in supporting our goals and help us make this a more inclusive gathering.
Please get in touch below to request more information.
Healthcare Innovation Village

A chance for exhibiting your health products and service offer and the latest innovation in the spacious hall of FMUP, Porto University’s Medical School same campus as Saint John University Hospital. the biggest hospital in the North of Portugal.

The Healthcare Innovation Village is powered by:
Digital Health Portugal members will be entitled to special conditions to showcase at the Health Innovation Village.

For more information, contact Cucabytech.
Get In Touch
Summit secretariat
MEDCIDS – Departamento Medicina da Comunidade, Informação e Decisão em Saúde
Hospital de São João 9623, 4200-450 Porto