Health Data Forum Online Summit Members

Thank you so much for joining the Health Data Forum, the first healthcare CIOs, CMIOs and CMOs summit. The goal of this summit is to combine the different perspectives of data scientists, healthcare professionals, patients and governance to find the much- needed consensus for the next generation of healthcare systems.

28-29 October 2021

Previous guest speakers

How can Big Data empower clinicians, patients, and policy stakeholders to develop better therapy access and improved care for patients?

30 October

Health Data Forum EU-India Mashup Day Welcome note

Guest speakers will be attending locally in Lisbon and virtually in a Zoom virtual room powered by QiqoChat (Qiqo)  a social wrapper around Zoom meetings so that participants can move themselves in and out of different parallel sessions.

30 October Global keynote addresses

Global Hybrid Summit Guest Speakers in 2020

Guest Region

Extremadura is an autonomous community of Spain located in the western Iberian Peninsula whose capital city is Mérida (more).

Charles Alessi Chief Clinical Officer | HIMSS

Special appearances

Augusto Ernesto Ittig

OSDE Group Physician and President of RISAD

Ebba Carbonnier

Portfolio Manager Swelife & Karolinska Institutet Innovation AB

Rafael Grossmann, MD, FACS

Surgeon, Educator, Immigrant, Futurist, Innovator.

Startup & Investors Mashup

(*) Due to Covid-19 outbreak this global summit will be held as a virtual meeting with Qiqo Chat a social wrapper around Zoom meetings so that participants can move themselves in and out of different Zoom breakout spaces.

Advisory circle 2020

The Health Data Forum is proud to have the advisory contribution of a distinguished circle of colleagues and friends. 

Helena Monteiro

President of the Board of APDSI (Portuguese Society for the Development of the Information Society)

João de Almeida Pedro

Certified Senior Programme Manager, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Nuno Serra

Head of operations at Building Global Innovators

David Magboule

Strategy Consultant & Founder at LabToMarket

Rui Gomes

Head of Information Systems at Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (CHUC)

Partners & supporters in 2020

The Health Data Forum is proud to unite several distinguished partners that empower and make possible this initiative.   

Alexandre Guedes da Silva

President of SPEM (Portuguese Society of Multiple Esclerosis)

Carlos Cardoso

Country Manager at Sectra Spain & Portugal

João Castro Guimarães

CEO GS1 Portugal

José António Silva

R&D Director at DevScope

Flipa Fixe

Member of Executive Board at Glintt

Nuno Vasco Lopes

CEO & Chairman of Board at Glintt

Lars Montelius

Director General at INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Luis Rocha

R&D Director at DevScope

Panel and Round Table Members in 2020

Carlos Sousa

ICT Director at the Red Cross Hospital

Fernando Melo

IT Director at Hospital Garcia de Orta

David Vieira

Director of Information Systems and Technologies, Luz Saúde

Renato Sabbatini

CEO and Chairman of the Board at Edumed Institute for Education in Medicine and Health

CEO and Chairman of the Board at Edumed Institute for Education in Medicine and Health

Head of Information Systems at Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (CHUC)

Rita Veloso

Member of the Board CHPVVC, National Healthcare Service


José Mendes Ribeiro

Founder Walkin'Clinics, Strategy & Scientific Advisor

Ponciano Oliveira

Member of the Board at North Healthcare Region, National Healthcare Service.

Pedro Martins

Head of Patient Experience & Solutions na Novartis

CEO Wiselife, Member of the Executive Board of MaisDomus, Family Doctor

Mario Abis

Presidente di Makno, docente universitario

Mario Pappagallo

Direttore responsabile di URBES magazine.Presidente EUHCNET e Vicepresidente WHIN

Stefania Ruiu, MD, PhD

Researcher at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Annrita Montanaro

CEO & Owner, CME HealthCare Education Manager

Ana Maria Solis

Group Facilitator and Consultant expert in Participatory processes and European Projects


Alcino Lavrador

General Manager, Altice Labs | Innovation from Portugal to the world

Fiona Headley

KTP Associate - Medicines Data Analyst - at Cardiff University and Invatech Health Ltd

Jonathan Gomez-Raja

Scientific Coordination at FundeSalud, Junta de Extremadura

Vera Guerreiro

Digital Health & Innovation, Alma Medical Imaging

Telma Mota

DIT, Altice Labs

Renato Sabbatini

CEO and Chairman of the Board at Edumed Institute for Education in Medicine and Health

Miguel Lopes

General Secretary APAH - Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators

Idalécio Lourenço

Health Analyst and Consultant


Francisco Velez Roxo

Former CEO at Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca

João Carvalho das Neves

Member of the General and Supervisory Board at EDP and Professor of Management at ISEG

João Figueiredo

IT DIRECTOR Misericórdia Porto

Helena Farinha

National College of Pharmacists

Renato Magalhães

IT Director at IPO Porto

Teresa Magalhães

Hospital Manager & Professor at ENSP

Paulo Neves

Managing Partner SPIDALG - Sociedade de Projectos, Investimentos e Desenvolvimento do Algarve, Lda.

Ricardo Cruz Correia, PhD

FMUP Professor & Health Data Entrepreneur

Ulf Hannelius, PhD

President & CEO at Diamyd Medical

Joana Feijó

Business development director at Health Cluster Portugal

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